under construction, yo! Greenbeans and Moneytrees: Summertime Dreams

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summertime Dreams

The summer as I knew it has come to an end.  I arrived home in Chicago Saturday evening after 9 weeks at my alma matter in Culver, Indiana.  My next two posts will be recaps on my summer, one of my amazing internship and one of my amazing social life.  I now have three weeks until I return to Boston to start my junior year of college at Babson College and I could not be more excited.  This three week break will afford me time to catch up on much needed sleep, TV watching, and blogging (all of which I have been seriously lacking on).  My room is a disaster area of my life at home, life at Culver, and life at Babson.  I need to get sorted out, donate a truckload to a second hand store, and figure out how I am going to fly back to Boston with two check bags... It will be a lackadaisical, recharging, and productive three weeks.

Remember to subscribe to my lovely blog, and twitter, and tumblr xoxo, mfh

1 comment:

  1. Let me know if you are getting rid of anything I could use! :D
