Dogs, pollen, and smoke; oh my! Each of these things surrounded me this weekend and has my latest allergy test shows, I'm highly allergic to each of these, including every tree, grass, and flower known to mankind. And since my stupid insurance company switched me from Singulair to Claritin, which doesn't do nearlyyy the same thing as Singulair, I have collapsed into a series of asthma attacks which directly led to the use of a Nebulizer and an overdose of albuteral which makes me shakey and unsteady for a good 30minutes after using it. And I get to experience this every six hours! awesome. This gives me flashbacks of my 5–6–7year old self that had to nebulize three times a day for yearsss of my life (I was an extremely sick child).
awesome right? Anywayyyy, since I can't do anyyy physical activity, including walking up and down stairs, I have taken to other valuable activities. This includes eating an entire pineapple in one sitting, shopping and contemplating between using my barnes and noble giftcard for Where the Wild Things Are and/or Twilight: New Moon OR starting the Chelsea Handler series. Decisions, decisions, they pain me so.

On the bright side, I've collected a million tons of furniture for Christy and I's “Woman Cove” in the fall. The Woman Cove is our cooler take on the idea of a man cave. And so far I have clustered together: a futon (in mint unbended condition), white Crate and Barrel drawer set, Ethan Allen black end table, Ethan Allen black coffee table, two shoe racks, a very nice clothes rack, several over the door hooks (some with hearts and rhinestones lol), pink and lavender drapes, a mountable storage rack, a picture of the Eiffel tower, and an assortment of pots pans cooking utensils and lamps. It's QUITE the collection. The room next year will be pretty much amazing. Especially since I am the Sophomore Steering Tower Party Captain.

Highlight: Waking up able to actually breathe this morning, first time in three days.
Lowlight: Not being able to do any physical activity (or maybe that's a highlight?
Wearing: Bakers black wedges, 344 strapless dress, H.G. Bass grey cardigan, 344 green summer scarf
Recent Purchase: 3 dresses and a scarf from 344: one formal short tank sleeved number with a white draped top black strapes and waist colorblock and a dusty rose runched bottom, one coral drape necked empire waist minidress, and a light brown floral-ish strapless dress with a scrunchie kinda top. The scarf is the most beautiful soft grass green scarf that goes with everything and reminds me of “The Girl in the Green Scarf” from Confessions of a Shopoholic.
Wanted: Steve Madden Feaver wedges in Natural and Jeffrey Cambell's Clinics (pictured below)

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