under construction, yo! Greenbeans and Moneytrees: Televisionnnn

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I never watched TV in high school.  But since then, I have realized that watching a couple of shows can be a major stress reliever.  Unfortunately, a "few" shows has turned into "a lot" of shows.  The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, 2 Broke Girls, 90210, New Girl, Charlie's Angels, Grey's Anatomy, Suburgatory, and of course Gossip Girl.  The Vampire Diaries season premiere was this past Thursday and it was ah-mazing.  More gruesome than before, but the men seem to have gotten hotter and Caroline and Tyler have FINALLY hooked up. rawrface.  The Secret Circle series premiere followed Vampire Diaries and it was pretty strange. A new girl comes to town and finds out she's a witch and she's the 6th generation with all these other kids and there's a creepy guy (there's always a creepy guy), and there's some major sexual tension with this one pretty hot guy, but it's really not enough to keep me interested I think.  So I'm pretty sure that will drop off my list.  2 Broke Girls is a new series starting next week with Kat Dennings (from Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist) and Beth Behrs.  Basically Kat plays a working class girl and Beth is the spoiled-rich-but-cut-off girl working together in a Brooklyn restaurant.  I think I'm going to like this show because I pretend I'm rich, but am working class, and I adore Kat Dennings, and have a certain affection for dumb blondes like Beth's character.  90210 is a show I've been with since the beginning and it has had it's ups and downs.  It's pretty good if you're a sucker for the tribulations of spoiled rich high school kids, which I totally am.  The series premiere was last Tuesday, and it was pretty good.  Started off with a bang, definitely.  New Girl:  Zooey Deschanel, enough said.  Charlie's Angels, I love Minka Kelley, but I'm not sure it will fit into my repertoire, so I'm curious to see if I actually like it.  I never used to like Grey's Anatomy, but then last summer I watched it all and was hooked.  It's so emotional, and I am an emotional trainwreck, so I'm a fan.  I cry seriously almost every episode.  Suburgatory I need to watch the premiere and find out more about it, but I love all things related to Suburbs.  So I definitely want to check it out.  And Gossip Girl, ahhh Gossip Girl.  I love it.  I aspire to be Blair Waldorf.

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