No, I am not prego. Today while I was browsing through the store I stumbled into the vitamin aisle and remembered reading that Lauren Conrad swears by taking prenatal vitamins for expedited hair growth and health. Seeing that I am slightly obsessed with Lauren Conrad and since her hair is absolutely stunning and beautiful and longgg, I'm not going to argue with her logic. I have always wanted long hair, I often long (see what I did there?) for lengthy hair that I can twist into a beachy side fishtail braid or sweep up into a romantic updo. But I just never seem to have the patience. My hair grows out just longer than my shoulders and I get so bored that I need a dramatic change and just chop it all off. Not anymore my friends! I solemnly swear (that I'm up to no good...as always) that I
will grow my hair long and I will not cave into a dramatic change. If I need a dramatic change in my life, I will go back to blonde or change my makeup or reinvent my personality or
something other than cutting my locks. My goal is to grow my hair long and luscious and have beautiful bouncy curls and hair health that means my hair will
stop falling out and a gross rate and these prenatal vitamins are my medium of doing it. Not to mention that these pills are actually adorable and pink and not too big. I'm supposed to take them once a day, with meals. So tomorrow morning, while I am pouring my big bowl of lucky charms (case and point of why I'm not ready to be an actual mother) I will pause and think of my long hair as I wash down my new vitamin. Stay turned for more wacky ideas that I randomly come up with and commit to, it's always interesting to be maryFREAKINGhalpin. ;]
Ps. Lauren Conrad's hair stylist also recommends rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar once a week, which I use as my "conditioner" for No Poo!
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